Gehman Lecture
John Gehman was a sociocultural anthropologist who was one of the initial cohort of faculty in the department, and had taught undergraduates from the 1970s until his retirement in 2009 (shortly after which he passed away). John Gehman inspired and guided students throughout their careers, and through this Lecture Series we honour him and the department’s commitment to the best undergraduate education possible.
Previous Speakers Include:
2024 - Dr. Rae Jereza. Considering Online Hate As "Noise"
2023 - Dr. Danilyn Rutherford. The Wenner-Gren Foundation and What's Next in Anthropology
2022 - Dr. Ilana Gershon. The Pandemic Workplace.
2021 - Dr. Anne Meneley. Plants of Resistance and Hope
2021 - Dr. Nicholas Harney. Crowds, Mobility & Governing Migrants
2020 - Cancelled due to Covid-19 Closure
2019 - Dr. Michael Cepek. Standing with Oil: Anthropological Ehtics and Activism on an Amazonian Petro-Frontier
2018 - Dr. Jason De Leon. Soldiers and Kings: Phtoethnographic Practice in the Context of SMuggling Across Mexico
2017 - Dr. Katja Neves. Post-Normal Conservation: Reordering Biodiversity Governance
2016 - Dr. Heather Paxson. The Life of Cheese: Negotiating the Values of an Unfinished Commodity
2015 - Dr. Luke Eric Lassiter. Doing Ethnography Today
2014 - Dr. Alex Golub. Cause and Effect: Responsibility for Social Disorder at the Porgera Gold Mine
2013 - Dr. Lindsay Dubois. Angry Old Men and Women: Argentina's Activist Pensioners
2012 - Dr. Jane Hill. The Shoshonean Wedge: Language Dynmaics and the Uto-Aztecans in California
2011 - Dr. Joshua Bell. The Sorcery of Sugar: Intersecting Agencies and Materialites of the 1928 USDA Sugarcane Expedition to New Guinea
2010 - Dr. Joel Robbins. Keeping God's Distance: Sacrifice, Possession, and the Politics of Religoious Mediation