PhD Graduate Students

Ibtesum Afrin

Ibtesum Afrin

Sociocultural & Linguistic Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Randa Farah

Research Interests / Specializations: The Rohingya Refugees, Displacement, Memory, Humanitarianism, Migrant Health, Diaspora, and Bangladesh
Javier Alvarez Vandeputte

Javier Alvarez Vandeputte

Sociocultural & Linguistic Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Tania Granadillo

Research Interests / Specializations: Language Revitalization, Language ideology, Mapuche language, Indigenous education, Education policy
Kalley Armstrong

Kalley Armstrong

Sociocultural & Linguistic Anthropology - Thesis Supervisors: Gerald McKinley & Janice Forsyth

Research Interests / Specializations: Indigenous youth, hockey, community based research, oral history
Daniela Barba

Daniela Barba

Sociocultural & Linguistic Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Kim Clark

Research Interests / Specializations: History of anthropology, Anthropology of the state, Legal anthropology, and Social movements
Katie Brent

Katie Brent

Archaeology/Biological Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Jay Stock

Research Interests / Specializations: Skeletal biology, biomechanics, bone morphology and geometry, functional adaptation, evolutionary medicine, bioarchaeology, palaeopathology, historical archaeology
Beth Compton

Beth Compton

Archaeology/Biological Anthropology - Thesis Supervisors: Neal Ferris, Lisa Hodgetts

Research Interests / Specializations: Examining the user needs for digital representations of physical archaeological objects
Michael Duncan

Michael Duncan

Archaeology & Biological Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Jay Stock

Research Interests / Specializations: Paleoanthropology, modern human biomechanics and energetics (e.g., endurance running metabolics), craniometric scaling
Jaclyn Ellis

Jaclyn Ellis

Sociocultural & Linguistic Anthropology - Thesis Supervisors: Gerald McKinley & Pamela Block

Research Interests / Specializations: Participatory Research with Autistic Adults
Becky Goodwin

Becky Goodwin

Archaeology/Biological Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Lisa Hodgetts

Research Interests / Specializations: The construction of gender identity (particularly women's identity) among Inuit and their ancestors in the Canadian Arctic
Ashley Henry

Ashley Henry

Sociocultural & Linguistic Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Greg Beckett

Research Interests / Specializations: Post-colonialism, Economic Imperialism, Globalization, Violence, Caribbean
Maddie Hertz

Maddie Hertz

Archaeology/Biological Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Jay Stock

Research Interests / Specializations: Human skeletal biology and morphology, biomechanics, activity, and energetics
Sydney Holland

Sydney Holland

Archeaology & Biological Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Andrea Waters-Rist

Research Interests / Specializations: bioarchaeology, stable isotope analysis, infant feeding practices, wet nursing, nutritional and physiological stress, skeletal biology
Dima Kassem

Dima Kassem

Sociocultural & Linguistic Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Pamela Block

Research Interests / Specializations: Rare diseases, complex medical conditions, transitions from pediatric care to adult care, social support networks, disability culture, and disability studies in Canada, the Middle East, and Europe
Charmaine Lovatt

Charmaine Lovatt

Archaeology/Biological Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Andrea Waters-Rist

Research Interests / Specializations: Isotopic lifeways, incremental dentine, nutritional and physiological stress
Luis Meléndez Guerrero

Luis Meléndez Guerrero

Sociocultural & Linguistic Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Kim Clark

Research Interests / Specializations: State dynamics in extractive contexts in the Andes
Alexandre Mendes Cursino

Alexandre Mendes Cursino

Sociocultural & Linguistic Anthropology - Thesis Supervisors: Pamela Block & Evan Bowness

Research Interests / Specializations: Indigenous Resurgence and Wellness, (De)colonizing (Auto)Ethnography, and More-than-Human Relations as forms of Indigenous Environmental Knowledge
Alex Nelson

Alex Nelson

Sociocultural & Linguistic Anthropology - Thesis Supervisors: Bipasha Baruah, Greg Beckett

Research Interests / Specializations: Coping and Survival Strategies Deployed by Homeless Single Mothers: Negotiating Homelessness, Motherhood and Identity in Victoria, BC, and London, Ontario
Lindsay Noël

Lindsay Noël

Sociocultural & Linguistic Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Greg Beckett

Natalia Parra

Natalia Parra

Sociocultural & Linguistic Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Kim Clark

Research Interests / Specializations: The Darien Gap, Refugees, Diasporas, Displacements, Borders and Latin America
Ashley Piskor

Ashley Piskor

Archaeology/Biological Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Lisa Hodgetts

Research Interests / Specializations: Indigenous archaeology, community-based research, cultural heritage management
Matthew Resendes Medeiros

Matthew Resendes Medeiros

Sociocultural & Linguistic Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Pamela Block

Research Interests / Specializations: Brazil, Disability, Citizenship, Education, Subjectivity, Personhood, Identity, Dissent
Abouzar Samiei

Abouzar Samiei

Sociocultural & Linguistic Anthropology - Thesis Supervisors: Kim Clark & Pamela Block

Research Interests / Specializations: Disability studies, academic ableism, cultural policy, autoethnography
Maris Schneider

Maris Schneider

Archaeology & Biological Anthropology - Thesis supervisor: Andrea Waters-Rist

Research Interests / Specializations: Bioarchaeology, osteology, paleopathology, childhood nutrition, health and disease, computed-tomography, mummified animals
Amanda Suko

Amanda Suko

Archaeology/Biological Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Neal Ferris

Research Interests / Specializations: Conceptualizing material borderlands: An archaeological examination of community-building, identity formation, and syncretism of domestic practices in the Arkona cluster sites, Ontario, Canada
SSC 3415

Farid Uddin

Farid Uddin

Sociocultural & Linguistic Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Tania Granadillo

Research Interests / Specializations: Language shift and maintenance, Language Ideologies, Sociolinguistics, Displacement, and Identity Politics
Brianne Vescio

Brianne Vescio

Sociocultural & Linguistic Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Pamela Block

Panchala Weerasinghe

Panchala Weerasinghe

Archaeology/Biological Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Andrea Waters-Rist

Research Interests / Specializations: Paleopathology, Metabolic diseases, Genetic and acquired anemias
Philip Woodley

Philip Woodley

Archaeology/Biological Anthropology- Thesis Supervisor: Neal Ferris

Research Interests / Specializations: The Middle Woodland Period of Southern Ontario
Ziqi Ye

Ziqi Ye

Archaeology/Biological Anthropology - Thesis Supervisor: Jay Stock

Research Interests / Specializations: Bioarchaeology, Human skeletal biology, Geometric morphometrics, Human variation, Hunter-gatherers