Brazilian Studies

Western U. Anthropology hosts one of the strongest concentrations of researchers engaged in Brazil-based Sociocultural and Linguistic Anthropology in North America. Our interests and strengths include anthropological perspectives on:

  • Intersectionality (e.g. Disability, Race, Indigeneity, Gender, Class, and Sexuality)
  • Language and Identity, Endangered Languages, and Language Revitalization
  • Religion
  • Rural livelihoods
  • Sexuality and the Body
  • Disability, Activism, and Art


Faculty have active projects and research agreements in Amazonian, Northeastern, Central and Southern regions.


Selected Publications

Explore our curated list of publications related to Brazilian Studies.

  • Gesser, M., & Block, P. (2024). Capacitismo. In: Maria Fernanda Diogo [Org.] Diálogos interdisciplinares em Psicologia e Educação. (pp. 48-54). São Carlos: Pedro & João Editores.
  • Gesser, M., Block, P., & Leite, L.P. (2023). Do capacitismo ao acesso coletivo no ensino superior. In: Sandra Eli Sartoreto de Oliveira Martins e Ana Paula Camilo Ciantelli (Orgs.). Inclusão e Acessibilidade na Educação Superior: desafios atuais, vol. 1. Cultura Academica Editora. pp.79-109.


Meet The Team

 For a closer look at the individuals behind our groundbreaking research, click here to meet the team.


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