Other Funding
Other funding is also available for Canadian research and thesis projects from:
- Northern Scientific Training Program Administered with funds from the Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, Ottawa which can be used for Sociocultural and linguistic research. The program supports scientific training provided by Canadian universities which gives advanced students professional experience in the North and encourages them to develop a commitment to northern work. The program aims to increase the number of graduate and senior undergraduate students in Canadian universities who have specialized in some aspect of northern scientific studies and who have northern research experience.
- Wenner-Gren Foundation - A variety of the Foundation's grants support students enrolled in doctoral programs leading to a Ph.D. (or equivalent), including grants for dissertation research. More information on these programs can be obtained by from The Wenner-Gren Foundation, 70 Park Avenue South, 8th Floor New York, NY 10016 USA Phone: 212.683.5000 FAX: 212.683.9151 Email: inquiries@wennergren.org or on the Wenner-Gren Foundation website. They also have an online database for successful applications.
- Gerda Henkel Stiftung PhD Scholarships - Support is primarily for the historical humanities, in particular to support research projects in the following fields: Archaeology, Art History, Historical Islamic Studies, History, History of Law, History of Science, Prehistory and Early History. The aim of this scholarship programme is to support highly qualified young scholars. The Foundation will only consider applicants who have proven their exceptional talents by means of their achievements in their studies and the results of their examinations and whose dissertations are expected to be well above the average. More information can be found on their website.
- Radcliffe-Brown and Firth Trust Funds -The aim of the awards, which are jointly funded by the Association of Social Anthropologists (ASA) and the RAI, is to help young scholars in social anthropology who are handicapped by lack of funds to work towards the completion of research upon which they have already embarked. Only PhD students associated with British or Commonwealth universities are eligible, and only applicants who plan to submit their thesis within six months of the application deadline. Grants of up to £750 from the Fund are made at Trustees' meetings twice a year. The closing dates for applications are 30 April and 30 November each year. More information can be found on their website.
Students are encouraged to consult the awards office of their current university for additional information on fellowships, grants, and awards.