Program Requirements
The Master’s and Doctoral programs differ in terms of program duration, course and milestone requirements, and the length and breadth of the research component.
Master of Arts, Anthropology
The Master of Arts, Anthropology (Archaeology and Biological Anthropolgy; Sociocultural and Linguistic Anthropology), degree is a six term (two year) program.
Course Requirements
- Take 3.0 course credits (6 half courses)
- Thinking Anthropologically
- Research Design in Archaeology & Biological Anthropology or Research Design in Sociocultural & Linguistic Anthropology
- Four electives (one half course equivalent can be at the undergraduate level and two half course equivalents can be outside Anthropology with permission)
- Take non-credit Graduate Research Seminar (four terms)
Milestones (non-course degree requirements)
- Present and defend a Thesis Proposal
- Present and defend a Thesis of appropriate scope
- Present in Graduate Research Seminar
Master of Arts, Anthropology (Applied Archaeology)
The Master of Arts, Anthropology (Applied Archaeology), degree is a six term (two year) program.
Course Requirements
- Take 2.5 course credits (5 half courses)
- Thinking Anthropologically
- Research Design in Archaeology & Biological Anthropology
- Principles of Applied Archaeology
- Two electives (one half course equivalent can be at the undergraduate level and two half course equivalents can be outside Anthropology with permission)
- Take non-credit Graduate Research Seminar (four terms)
Milestones (non-course degree requirements)
- Complete a Practicum in Applied Archaeology
- Present and defend a Thesis Proposal
- Present and defend a Thesis of appropriate scope
- Present in Graduate Research Seminar
Doctor of Philosophy, Anthropology
The Doctor of Philosophy, Anthropology, degree is a 12 term (four year) program.
Course Requirements
- Take 2.5 course credits (5 half courses)
- Thinking Anthropologically
- Research Design in Archaeology & Biological Anthropology or Research Design in Sociocultural & Linguistic Anthropology
- Three electives (one half course equivalent can be outside Anthropology with permission)
- Take non-credit Graduate Research Seminar (four terms)
Milestones (non-course degree requirements)
- Prepare and pass written and oral Qualifying Examinations
- Meet a foreign language requirement if necessary
- Present and defend a Dissertation Proposal
- Write and defend a Dissertation of appropriate scope
- Present in Graduate Research Seminar
More Information
- Master's Thesis Proposal Instructions
- Master's Thesis Proposal Form
- Master's Thesis Submission and Defense Instructions
- Master's Applied Archaeology Practicum
- Doctoral Qualifying Examination Guidelines
- Doctoral Dissertation Proposal and its Defense
- Doctoral Dissertation Submission and Defense Instructions