Progression & Milestones
Our graduate programs are continuous enrollment programs and students are expected to be actively working towards their degrees in all three terms each year. The Master’s and Doctoral programs differ in terms of progression expectations and milestone requirements. While special circumstances may arise, as a rule students are expected to adhere to the following timelines.
Progression in Master's Program for Full-time Students
Progression through the Master’s program for full-time students (2 years = 6 terms of study)
Term 1
- Coursework (Thinking Anthropologically and two electives)
- Enroll in Graduate Research Seminar
Term 2
- Coursework (Research Design and two electives)
- Enroll in Graduate Research Seminar
- Research ethics approval, if necessary (can take up to two months)
- Defend Master's Thesis Proposal (April/May)
- Choose supervisory committee (supervisor and one advisor)
Term 3
- Carry out thesis research
- Complete Practicum (Applied Archaeology students)
Terms 4-6
- Enroll in Graduate Research Seminar in two terms
- Analyse data
- Present in Graduate Research Seminar
- Write Thesis
- Submit and defend Thesis
Progression in Doctoral Program for Full-time Students
Progression through the Doctoral program for full-time students (4 years = 12 terms of study)
Term 1
- Coursework (Thinking Anthropologically and one or two electives)
- Enroll in Graduate Research Seminar
Term 2
- Coursework (Research Design and one or two electives)
- Enroll in Graduate Research Seminar
- Choose supervisory committee (supervisor and two advisors)
Term 3
- Start Qualifying Examination process
- Circulate Statement of Interest to supervisory committee (Expectations vary between streams of the program and supervisors - students should seek direction from their supervisors.)
- Craft Qualifying Examinations questions
- Begin reading for Qualifying Examination
Term 4
- Enroll in Graduate Research Seminar
- Submit Qualifying Examination Responses for evaluation by committee
- Oral Qualifying Examination
Term 5
- Enroll in Graduate Research Seminar
- Write and defend Doctoral Dissertation Proposal
- Research ethics approval, if necessary (can take up to two months)
- Have completed language requirement, if necessary
Terms 6-12
- Carry out thesis research
- Analyse data
- Present in Graduate Research Seminar
- Write Dissertation
- Submit and defend Dissertation
More Information
- Master's Thesis Proposal Instructions
- Master's Thesis Proposal Form
- Master's Thesis Submission and Defense instructions
- Master's Applied Archaeology Practicum
- Transfer from MA to PhD
- Doctoral Qualifying Examination Guidelines
- Doctoral Dissertation Proposal and Proposal Defense Guidelines
- Doctoral Dissertation Submission and instructions